Classic Movies

Vintage Shanghai Comedy: “Da Li, Xiao Li & Lao Li 大李,小李和老李“

There are so many reasons to love this 1962 screwball comedy - let us count the ways: Scenes of 1960s Shanghai. You think images of 1930s Shanghai are rare? Try 1962, the year the Great Leap Forward ended. This is a rare film documentation of the period, including what may be the only existing footage of the Art Deco ...

Old Shanghai Cinemas: Insights from a Logbook

by Tess Johnston// Back in 2010, I found in a local antique market an old ledger covered in brown wrapping paper, with a handsomely-penciled inscription on the front: [Not the actual log book - our artist's impression!] A Logbook's Insights into Shanghai Cinema Management It was a bookkeeper’s daily ...