Jazz Age

Historic Shanghai Year in Review 2019

In our 21st year, we spent more time than we would have liked racing to see neighborhoods before they vanish. Laoximen, Xiaonanmen, Jinling Road, Hongkou, Siwen Li – the list goes on. The Laoximen neighborhood is slated for redevelopment, and although most residents have moved out, it remains our most popular ...

Old Shanghai Eggnog

Oh, how they loved eggnog in old Shanghai.  But of course: it was very boozy, very fun, and very rich, which is a pretty apt description for the spirit of old Shanghai. And luckily for us, their recipes survive. So just in time for Christmas partying, we bring you a pair of delightful, delicious 1920s ...

The Shanghai Beret Project

Meet the beret-wearing gentlemen of Shanghai. It's a classic Shanghai sight: older Chinese men sporting rakish berets. The iconic headwear of the French never seems to have gone out of style among gentlemen of a certain age in Shanghai, a legacy formed during the period of the French Concession (1849-1945). Some ...

Historic Shanghai Year in Review 2017

A look back at the last 12 months of walking through Shanghai’s storied history: the walks, the talks, the tours, the films, the cocktails, and an Art Deco weekend, too. 2017 highlights included our springtime jaunt to Xiamen, the treaty port formerly known as Amoy, for a fabulous  Amoy Art Deco Weekend. We ...

Roar, China! Langston Hughes in Shanghai

February is Black History month, and Shanghai has a fascinating, hidden history of Black American poets, activists, and musicians. Our Shanghai Black History walk (Sunday Feb 23) is sold out, but you can sign up for the wait list here. Langston Hughes, the poet laureate of the Harlem Renaissance, spent three months ...

Bookshelf: Death in Shanghai

MJ Lee’s Death in Shanghai is a delicious crime novel set in old Shanghai. Terrific plot, great characters, superb writing – and oh, the historical detail! It truly brings old Shanghai to life, infusing the characters, and even the crime. We wanted to know more, and author Martin Lee obliged us with an ...

Historic Shanghai’s Year in Review 2015

A look back on the tours, the talks, and that splendiferous World Congress on Art Deco that made up our 2015. [caption id="attachment_632" align="alignleft" width="255"] Stained glass dragon at the T'ou-se-wei orphanage, seen on our Easter Walking tour.[/caption] The Year in Numbers  14 tours 25 World Congress ...